DeFi CHATr Interview Transcript with Legends NFT Collectibles — Binance Smart Chain

8 min readJun 28, 2021

Bill — I’d like to welcome the Legends Creator to DeFi CHATr. Thank you for joining me today. Go ahead and start us off with an introductory message about who you are, your background and experience and the role you play in the Legends NFT project.

Legends — Hey guys!! It’s a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me, Bill!

Bill — We are happy to have you, so what kind of experience do you have in crypto and defi? Have you ever done any projects before Legends?

Legends — LEGENDS is my very first project!, I’m an investor like most of you guys

Bill — Alright well that’s cool, when did you start getting interested in crypto?

Legends — I got into crypto in 2018. I bought like $50 buck of a shitcoin I don’t even remember. And by then I though anything could go $1 in a bullrun. So naive of me LOL

So I actually got in when the bear cycle was starting actually

And I learned a lot since then

Bill — Yeah I suppose that must have been as hitty year to get into crypto, I lived through it though. My second big bear cycle. I think living through one and experiencing that type of market is essential for anybody looking to stay in the industry long term.

Let’s talk about Legends…

Tell us about Legends NFT Collectibles. What are these NFT’s?

Legends — It is! It’s part of the journey. We are so early anyways!

LEGENDS is a brand. An anonymous brand than makes unique, exclusive NFTs

Mostly focused on high quality 3D animation artwork

Future proof up to 8K resolution artwork

Bill — Okay so these NFT’s you guys make is their any uitility to them or are they just artwork? Are they limited? How do people acquire them?

Legends — So we are making high quality NFTs and most of them are very rare. The ides behind it is pretty straight forward. LEGENDS token holders can FARM NFTs and sell those on any marketplace out there.

Bill — Okay so you mentioned Legends Token. Lets talk about that. Tell us about the Legends tokenomics and tell us where we can use legends tokens to farm NFT’s.

Legends — Here an example of exclusive merch we are making as NFTs

So this is a visual guide on how to GET the NFTs. After buying LEGENDS tokens, you can STAKE them to accumulate points. You guys can see all the NFTs drops here:

Bill — Okay and I think the last part of that question is the tokenomics of the Legends token. Then I have a follow up question about the points.

Legends — Sure! Circulating supply 100 billion tokens, total supply 1 quadrillion tokens. Sorry I had check that with our Dev @cryptopapit0. He is also the Dev involved in Degenr and CumRocket.

Bill — Okay awesome no worries, thank you for sharing.

You kinda answered one of my next questions. What is Is that a partner of Legends? Will that always be the only spot to obtain Legends NFT’s?

We stake our Legends tokens there at to earn points, those points can be used to buy Legends NFT’s. Is that the basic jist?

and the only way to obtain the Legends NFT’s is by using the points or buying on the marketplace?

Legends — Yes, DEGENR is the platform we all (a lot of NFT projects) are using to create an ecosystem for the BSC network.

Exactly! You never loose your tokens. Just the points!

Bill — Sounds good, I’ve been messing with the platform a bit getting ready to make a video for you. It’s interesting and fun concept. The video I’m making will explore that website a bit too.

Legends — Our Marketplace it actually about to be launched. I believe it will be very fun for our holders to make money on their LEGENDS collectibles.

Bill — So legends is launching an NFT marketplace?

Legends — That sounds exciting Bill! I really want people to experiment using the platform.

Legends — Yes! We are almost done actually

Bill — Nice, well congratulations, I look forward to that. I’ll probably do a followup video once you do launch that.

So tell me something

What was it that inspired you to create the Legends NFT project? What kind of challenges have you faced since launching and what techniques have you used to overcome those challenges?

Legends — Okay that’s a cool question!

So when I first created the LEGENDS brand. I wanted to make unique and valuable artwork that could sell for a high price on NFT marketplaces out there… Like rareble, Opensea, etc..


My crypto friends really liked what I was doing and they thought this could be actually a token project

So I’m basically the Creative Director of the project. most concepts are made by myself in collaboration with a large number of talented artists around the world.

Bill — That is really awesome actually. Without getting too personal because I’d like to respect your privacy. Do you have a background in the art industry?

I like to see merging industries, I think that is utilmetly what will make crypto stronger.

Legends — Yes, I’m an independent filmmaker. I’ve shot many movies, TV shows. And I’m also a musician. So it’s a pleasure to be collaborating with the music companies — most of LEGENDS NFT have original soundtrack.

Bill — Really awesome, I appreciate your contribution to both industries. We can chat more in the private chat because I actually have some other questions about that lol.

Legends — By the way I love this song 🙂

Songs from the deep space can be listened with this futuristic headset owned by Mini Musk. It’s been told that only a few people own this rare piece of technology!

🔥Only 3 of $LEGENDS holders claimed it. I posted here for all of our community to know more about “WHAT IS LEGENDS?”

What do you think about this? Please comment below! We’d love to hear from our beloved community ❤ A little reminding: Turn on the volume!📢

Bill — sorry I was listening to the song lol

Okay any challenges my friend or has it all been smooth sailing since you launched?

Legends — We had a very successful launch. And our community is very strong. Everyone is now waiting for the Premium NFT to drop.

These are called “Dimensions” series. We are dropping those today!’

Legends — Yes they are! And you can sell those for at least 5 ETH on the popular marketplaces.

Let me show you something

Legends — These are narrative artwork based on memes, iconic figures and celebrities.

I want our community to understand that LEGENDS is not just a NFT token project

It’s actually a movement

Bill — Why don’t you expand on that, what is the movement about? What are some of your goals and aspirations for Legends and the wider NFT industry as a whole?

Legend — We are celebrating crypto in a fan way. And at the same time, being able to empower the technology and give voice to ART!

I’m already in talks with Games developers

I want to implement NFT into video games

We are working on it but we should only see an actually product or at least a demo by the end of the year.

Bill — I have seen a lot of projects attempting to break into the video gaming industry or merge the two industries. I think that will be one of the tougher nuts to crack but in the long road will be good for both industries. I’ve already played some decent games involving NFT’s, colelctibles, and even virtual worlds. I own some land in decentraland and from some recent videos I’ve seen it’s imrpoving quite a bit over there.

Legends — Yes, definitely! That is a challenge that I’m very excited to pursuit

Bill — We got about 5 minutes remaining so I want to move it along, to a few more questions.

Any reason in particular for choosing the Binance Smart Chain over any other network?

Legends — Cheap fees and less competition. BSC is full of opportunities!!

Bill — What are your future plans for marketing and promoting the project? How do you plan to create more interest in the Legends NFT’s?

Legends — I believe that with the upcoming partnerships and the next NFT drops, LEGENDS community will have a more comprehensive view of the project! I’m very excited to show you guys everything we are working on right now. And we are 100% working to give you guys the best NFTs out there!

Partnerships already announced are CumRocket and SafeMars

You guys can check the CumRocket NFTs here. We are dropping the Premium one very soon!

Bill — Good to hear I am rooting for you, seem like a good persom. I have two more questions, this next question might be the hardest question of the night. But I really appreciate your honesty in answering it.

Legends — Thank you, Bill! Just shoot

Bill — Okay so there has been some debate in this group going around and we are wondering. Is a hotdog a Sandwich?

Legends — Shiiet

What kind of question is that LOL

Bill — 😂 there is no wrong answer

Legends — it’s difficult man

Bill — just say what you think, it’s pretty much 50/50

Legends — When my wife… offers me a sandwich she says “Love, do you want a sandwich?”. But with hotdog. She just says “love, do you want hot dog”…


I’d say

Bill — Id go with what the wife says so to avoid any conflict

Legends — different things made with different types of bread

Bill — Very nice, it’s been a pleasure interviewing you My friend.

Thank you for sharing your project with our community, if there is anyone around who might have some additional follow up questions you are free to speak up

Ill have the transcript in a few minutes

Legends — Oh, the pleasure is mine. I’m actually an active member of this lovely community. So it’s good to receive the love you guys have here. Thank you very much for having me Bill!

Bill —How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates? Website, docs, social medias, etc? Try to post them all in one post so I can use it for a pinned message.

Legends — sure


🌐 Website —

📱 Telegram —

🦎 Coingecko —

💸 Buy LEGENDS on Pancakeswap —

🔥 Stake your LEGENDS tokens —

📍Farm CumRocket X LEGENDS NFT —

📈 Chart —

💩 Poocoin Chart :

📄 Contract —

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